



日前發生於台北市萬華運動中心因為一條毛巾所引發的糾紛,台北市議員洪健益接獲民眾爆料,指出當時自稱是英語老師的外籍男子Grove Eric David 申請來台的身分是外語老師,工作登記地點是竹北市的一家補習班,然而,該名外籍男子實際上卻是在台北市從事猛男秀的行業,並非其所自稱的「補教老師」。

Grove Eric David是以Eric藝名隸屬於一家猛男經紀公司「X-JOHN」,該公司號稱是台灣擁有最多猛男、辣妹,還是全台各大時尚夜店、派對喜愛的團隊,亦是今年三月台中ALA夜店大火闖下大禍的火舞秀猛男隸屬的經紀公司,是否因知名度如此之高的猛男經紀公司,促使該名外籍男子在當天敢囂張表示自己是gangster(幫派份子),不禁令人懷疑幕後真有黑道撐腰!?


2 則留言:

  1. Mr. Hong,
    With all due respect, I kindly suggest that instead of wasting your time on such frivolous matters in a sad attempt to get media attention, how about you stand up for the rights of foreign workers who are key to Taiwan's success. There are nearly 400,000 foreign laborers in Taiwan that are regularly forced or pressured into doing work which they are not required and often times not permitted to do. They are also often mistreated and abused as well as being thoroughly exploited. This is a REAL problem. A sad incident in which a foolish, arrogant foreigner was rude to a Taiwanese is hardly cause for the level of publicity you have sought. I hope that in the future you take on the responsibility to fight for the rights and deserved respect that ALL residents in Taiwan deserve. Foreigners are not only tools to be used in certain situations. You rightly call for foreigners to respect Taiwanese and sadly in this case one foreign idiot didn't, however it is also paramount that Taiwanese also respect ALL foreigners as well. A country that prides itself on being democratic and respecting human rights should ensure that it does its utmost to protect these rights.

